Most of you should be nearing the end of this book; your scheduled date for finishing the book is November 9. If you haven't finished reading the book yet, don't finish reading this post--it might give away the ending!
OK--here are your two questions for this post.
The climax of the book builds when True Son/Johnny goes back to his Indian people and then there is a conflict. Little Crane's family wants to avenge his death, and of course if True Son and Half Arrow go back among the white people, they will be held responsible for what happened to Uncle Wilse. If you had been Half Arrow and True Son, would you have joined the war party?
In the final part of the book, True Son is supposed to use his white skin to help the war party to ambush a boat. Knowing what you know now about how True Son's decision would affect his future, what do you think he should have done about the ambush? What would you have done?
These are both pretty hard questions, because either decision has some very negative consequences.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
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Well I don't know if i would have joined. I think it must have been a hard call for them. They weren't fully responsable for his death and they loved him and the were sad but if they didn't they were cowards and if they did they would be blamed but I would have fought for my friend.
He should have followed his heart and I think he did. I though that he made the dicisoin that he thought was right. I Would have went with my real family because they really loved him and they were his real blood and they would be with him until the end.
If I were True Son, I would probably join the war if my Indian parents told me it was the best thing to do. In resopnse to the 2nd part of the question, I probably would have ambushed the boat with my Indian father. I would do this because I know at the end of the book True Son's father abandons him. Like I said before, I would do what my Indian parents thought was best.
Mattie said...
If I was True Son I wouldn’t have gone to the war party because Uncle Wilse is a relative and deep down you love him. You would not want to be held responsible for his death. Besides, he is your uncle and he helped raise you, well until you were two. If I were True Son I would be ashamed to be the one held responsible.
I am glad that True Son let the Americans escape when in fact he wanted kill everybody on the ship. If I were him I would have also let them go. Think about it; if you lived with Italian people since you were two and then you lived with Africans then you wanted to go back and kill the family in which you were raised. Now, why would you want to kill the people that were your own real culture? I am very happy for his response and want to give him a hug for his good doing. Wouldn’t you?
November 11, 2007 6:12 PM
I don't think I would have joined the ambush but then I've never had to choose over something like one family or another family. So I really don't know what I'd choose.
In answer to the second question I think he should have done just what he did. Even if I new my father would leave me I would still tell them about the ambush.
If I were True Son during the ambush I would have tried everything to try and stop it. Like to set up traps or get people from his Indian village and try to go fight to stop the ambush. I think his decision will hurt his future by getting his white family to constantly watch over him. Also I think it will hurt him by not letting him go anywhere without a guide also they might put a person to watch over him twenty four seven.
I think I would join because I would want t o avenge a friend who was like family. It would have been a hard call for me. I think he did the right thing by following his heart.
He should have did what he thought was the right thing to do. I would have gone with the family that raised me because he and his Indian family had totally different beliefs, Evan if I was their real blood.
It would have been very hard for me to have joined the war party but I think that I would have had to. If I would have not joined the war party then everyone would have said that I was a coward and that I should have joined. I think that True Son and Half Arrow made a very good decision to join. They wanted to help fight for their friend and they did.
True Son knew that there would be consequences if he did tell the boat what was going on. But after seeing that little boy on the boat and then thinking of Gordie it would have been very hard to just let his Indian family scalp him. I think that he made a good decision because he saved a lot of lives but then he made a bad decision for himself because he could never go back to his Indian family again. If I was in that situation I am not sure what I would have done. Knowing that I might have had to scalp that poor boy I don't know how I could have not told them that it was an ambush. If I had to choose like True Son did I would have probably did the same thing as True Son told the white people that it was an ambush and would risk the consequences.
I don't think they should have gone in to war they might think they are old enough but they are to young and not experinced enough. I don't think they would know what to do if something went wrong.
I would let them catch them and get them from behind.
If I were True Son or Half Arrow I probably wouldn’t have joined the war party because I would have just gotten back from a long and tiring journey from the white village. It also would be very scary for me because I would be afraid of dieing or being captured and tortured because I ran away from the village. If I did decide to join the war party I probably would have been in the back of the line. I would be holding my weapon so tight because of the suspense and also because I would be so nervous.
If True Son wanted to stay with the Indians bad enough he would have followed the ambush through and killed all of the white people on the boat, but he couldn’t do it. I wouldn’t have done it because a lot of the white people on the boat were innocent and didn’t do anything wrong. I especially wouldn’t have done it if I had known that my real family was on the boat because they were searching for me. I think that True Son made a big sacrifice when he gave away the ambush and betrayed the Indians because then they lost trust in him and then he got kicked out of the tribe. I would have been so sad if that would have happened to me.
No I would not have joined the war party because even though they wer the enemy . They were family and they loved me and I loved them so I would not want to hert them.
I think he should have followed through with the ambush and get excepted in his tribe. I would have followed through because if I didn't then I would not get excepted in my tribe and would have anywhere to go.
I don't know if I would have wanted to join it was a hard call for them and they weren't responsable for what happened. I think if I were them I would not have joined because I would not kill my own flesh and blood for my friend.
He should have done what he told himself to do which he did. I think if I was True Son that I would have went back to my white family because they loved him no matter what happened and that is all that should matter to him.
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