Now that you are finished with the book, I’m wondering what you thought about the experience of reading the book. While we were in the library today, I noticed that several of you were reading some background material about Anne Frank and looking at pictures of the Secret Annex. Several of you were surprised to find out that the names of most of the people she wrote about had been changed to protect their identities, and others of you were shocked at how small the Secret Annex was.
Think about this question: for you, what was the best part of this book? What was the worst part? I’m not asking about how you read the book (in other words, I don’t want you to write that the worst part was that it was hard to read and you didn’t have enough time to read it); I’m asking about the effect that the content had on you. For instance, you might say that the worst part was the descriptions of the air raids because they really scared you and you could imagine how scared Anne would be during the raids.
Additionally, let’s answer Kevin’s question: why do you think that this book has lasted when other diaries have not? What do you think was special about this book?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007
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Well the best part of the book was about when they ran out of food and had to wash with dirty water- not that I was happy that happened but you got excited, sad, and curious at the same time, like you might say to yourself oooo are they going to get food? Will something happen !?
The worst part was that it got a little boring in some parts so I am guilty of skipping. ( I did go back and read it though.)
And also to Kevin well I think that she was descriptive like this is a normal diary:
Dear Diary,
I went fishing it was fun. I caught two fish and ate them for supper
And Anne Franks would be like this:
Dear Kitty,
I went fishing with my grandfather and we had to hunt for worms! It was completely disgusting but it came out in the long run because I caught two and then Mummy let me have them for supper.
See what I mean?
I think the best part of the book was when she talked about going up to the attic to see Peter. I felt that she showed a lot of her feelings in her writing. I feel that it was well described unlike some of the other things that were not. I think the worst part was when she described the layout of the secret annexe. When she explained it, it did not make sense at all. She should have given it a little bit more detail. I very much enjoyed this diary because it was very neat to know how the Jews lived during the Holocaust.
I think that the other diaries were not published because they probably were not as good of writers as Anne was. Her writing was very advanced for her age. This diary in particular was probably better written than the other Jews during the Holocaust.
My favorite part of Anne Frank was the way she gave detail on everything around her. Also the part when she is talking about the boys always crowding around her because she was funny. The part I didn’t like about the book was how everyone treated her like such a little child. I know that’s just the society she was living in but it just made me feel sorry for her. She was kind of ignored by the adults. This made me feel that children at that time where not treated as if they where an important person in society.
I think that other diaries where not published because they where not as well written. Hope my answer helps answer Kevin’s question.
Anne’s diary was not very descriptive all the time. One of my worst parts was when she kept talking about her lovely Peter. That was all she talked about for days! I understand that she loved him but still. I just found it boring.
One of my favorite parts was whenever she would talk about the movies she heard reviews about. It was incredibly hilarious when she would change her hairstyles to act like different characters. Although I thought it was mean that they would make fun of her I though it was a good way to take time out of your day and do something fun.
Anne Frank's diary has lasted longer than other books because she is and interesting piece of history. Her dairy is more exciting than most books because you get to read what had really happened and get the idea of what Anne Frank had to go threw.
The history part is what makes the book special (my opinion.) The kinds of books I like to read are mostly mystery books, murder mysteries, and life thrilling history books. I think this is a very interesting book and that everyone should read it.
For me it was so very hard because all of the book was really my favorite because it was such an excellent one, but having to pick a favorite part I would have to say that I liked the part when Anne spoke of her feelings for Peter and how her feelings had changed about him. The reason for my choice was because of the detail and how her emotions changed from the day she met him and the day she became interested in Peter.
I’d have to say that I had one more favorite part and that would have to be when she talked of Mrs.Vaan Daan because of the way she had described her sometimes it had made me laugh outrageously loud, but I did have to have a part I disliked and I would have to say it was when she had described of what the secret Annex was like, it was so confusing I thought so hard my head had started to hurt but otherwise it was a very descriptive paragraph and I had finally got the image is my head of what it looked like.
For Kevin’s question, because she expressed so heavily her feelings and was very descriptive and it also told of the life of hiding.
The best part of the book was when Anne asked Dussell for use of the table. I thought this was the best part because when she got mad she said funny stuff about people. This time she got furious and dedicted a whole entrie to how mad she was at him.
The worst part of the book would definetly be when she was describing the secret annex. This was so boring i felt the nerve to skip it. I didn't understand it very well so i had to look at the map she drew. This helped me understand it better.
I think they published Anne's diary because she writes pretty well for a 14-year-old. She also has alot of detail in her diary. That makes it very interesting and people will want to read it.
I think that the best part of the book was when Anne's fountain pen got "cremated" and all they could find was the little golden stub of the tip. Anne was also a very good writer.
The worst part, and I agree with Madison C. was that it got pretty boring at sometimes. I have never read a diary before, and I couldn't keep track of all the dates. Some of the stuff I couldn't remember because it was in a first person narrative.
The answer to my question, after reading other posts, is that she was a very good writer and that she described in very good detail what kinds of sufferings they had to go through.
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